Perfect Bound Podcast – Episode 53

Our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY EPISODE!* Today we talk about the best sellers out of the Dungeon for 2015, both single issues and trade paperbacks. We also discuss Star Wars fanboys and their fan-fic in relation to the Prequel series, as well as which Star Wars characters we’d like to see… Continue reading

Perfect Bound Podcast – Episode 42

In this episode, the gang get back together and re-discover how to do a podcast. Our first segment is Shameless Self-Promotion, where Cole talks about the current play he is in: Shoggoths on the Veldt; Ben talks about the play he was in which just closed: The Ballad of Karla… Continue reading

Perfect Bound Podcast – Episode 10

In this episode, the gang talk about the new trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, that Daredevil fight scene, why a Black Panther movie needs to happen sooner, and how The X-Men are getting buried by Disney. The Quiz Time questions this week were submitted by Listener Jeff. If… Continue reading